The Truth About Human Resources

Brandon Eugene
1 min readJan 10, 2022

Human Resources is not there to support you. Human Resources is there to support your employer. A friend of mine recently learned this lesson the hard way.

After years of dealing with inappropriate comments, unfair treatment, and pay disputes, she finally decided to do something about it and scheduled a meeting with her Human Resources rep.

That meeting did not go as she had hoped.

She was stonewalled, challenged, and sabotaged the entire meeting. She was told (in so many words);

“Yes, your boss is a douche, but he makes us a lot of money.”

“Yes, your working conditions are unpleasant; however, they aren’t exactly illegal…”

“Yes, you’ve been encouraged to work weekends and late nights without

pay; however, our industry is quite demanding. Working extended hours is expected.”

And this, my friends, is the actual function of HR. HR is there to protect the company against liabilities, and those liabilities are you. When not intercepting lawsuits and gaslighting employees, HR primarily recruits new talent (to exploit), process payroll (for underpaid employees), and administer benefits (that would not be provided if not mandated by the federal government).

Nowhere on their list of tasks is the ridiculous notion of advocating for you, which wouldn’t be such a kick-in-the-nuts if HR reps didn’t pretend as if they were your friend.

Next time you consider talking to HR, do yourself a favor and consult an employment law attorney instead.

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