The Simple Three-Step Process Unhappy Office Workers Can Use To Quickly Advance Their Career And Leave Their Shitty Job Behind

Brandon Eugene
2 min readJan 16, 2022

I hated my marketing job. I was working long days at a company that offered nothing in the way of growth opportunities. On top of that, the work was unfulfilling, and I was underpaid. I wanted more.

So I set a goal: find a new marketing job that pays at least six figures per year (I was only making fifty-grand a year). I gave myself twelve months to do it.

I did it in six.

What follows is the three-step process I used to crush that goal. Although I am a marketer, I suspect this process would work for most office jobs.

Step One: Give Yourself a LinkedIn Makeover

I wasn’t interested in the traditional methods of applying for a new job. That left too much to chance. I needed an edge over the candidates I’d be competing with. I needed an inside man.

I decided to find my inside man (or woman) on LinkedIn. But first, I needed a profile makeover. I updated my profile photo and rewrote my bio with the help of a profile writer I found on Fiverr.

Step Two: Ask Them On a Zoom Date

Armed with a snazzy new profile, I started sending connection requests to marketing professionals in my area.

After accepting my connection request, I’d send them a quick note of thanks. From there, I’d invite them to a Zoom call to connect further.

Step Three: Nurture The relationship

If the Zoom call is the first date, every subsequent meeting (lunch date, coffee chat, etc.) is another date in the courtship.

After each date, assess the relationship. Ask yourself if it would be appropriate to ask about job opportunities. If so, your new strategic contact will refer you, giving you an inside track to the hiring managers and an edge over the competition.

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